Hon Emeka Atuma

by Tony Icheku

Please read it  clear and exact that my article titled '2023: VACANCY: Lawmaker for Ikwuano State Constituency was focused on IKWUANO STATE CONSTITUENCY.

Our aim was to alert Ndi Ikwuano and prepare their minds to seek a suitable, capable person to occupy the office come 2023 so that Ikwuano can grab what  constitutionally accrues to her.

 Every information from our findings show that the present occupier of that office, Hon Stanley Nwabuisi has failed, and woefully too. There is no apology for this assertion. Though he may not be the cause, but we ask, as the incumbent in that office, what is he doing to right the wrongs of yesterday?

Ikwuano's prime position as an agricultural-rich zone fetched it the former School of Agriculture, now transformed to a University of Agriculture. Besides it stand a Roots Crop Research Institute - a testimony that root crops abound here. In that same era, a tarred road from Amawom passing through Ihim, Amuru linked up Nkalunta. This belt has fertile soil for cassava, yam, timber and cocoa. Nkalu nta  boasts  of all-season farming.

Progressively, beginning 1999 when this democracy returned, Ikwuano had been on a fast retrogression to infrastructural decadence: The Amawom-Ihim-Amuru-Nkalunta is collapsed and impassable. Even our LGA headquarters which receives monthly allocation is in decay. Visit Ndioru weekly market where the LGA collects revenue, and if tears do not drop from your eyes, check yourself.

What was my submission? Unless we have a capacity representation in Abia State House of Assembly, Ikwuano's downward slide would continue until we are left stranded, stagnant and stunted. 

Chief K C Ugboaja

The article is not about Hon Stanley Nwabuisi, a visitor to the office. It is an appeal to Ndi Ikwuano, permanent owners of the office to begin now sieving the chaffs from the grains

We know despite the challenges, Hon Nwabuisi is doing well for his stomach - afterall a man must chop from his workshop, thus we made him an offer: "... in the spirit of democracy, and in the spirit of give and take,  the incumbent need  convince Ikwuano people that in terms of  infrastructural development,  youth empowerment, health care delivery, human capital development and inclusion in state affairs, that he deserves right of first offer..."

From his associates, a reaction emerged urging Ndi Ikwuano to 'Beware of Desperados'. Well, we are advising Ikwuano people to rather keep away from deceivers, distortionists and propagandists. These people are the ones misleading Nwabuisi, patting him on the back and telling him that he is doing well.

"Hon Stanley Nwabuisi, this is take away home truth - you have done very, very poorly. You can ask someone in Nkalunta, in your own Nchara community, in Amuru, ask a student at MOUAU" 

State of roads in Ikwuano

Hon  Nwabuisi, your people said you did football tournaments for three years, skill acquisition training, rural women empowerment, youths IT training all from your pocket money.

 These are beautiful, excellent. But read  our lips Sir: We are asking what are you doing as REPRESENTATIVE OF IKWUANO STATE CONSTITUENCY?  Where are the Capital projects? Where are the requisite State interventions in critical areas of rural roads, healthcare and other basic needs? Where are the Constituency projects? Where in each of Ikwuano's four clans are the very famous 'One Clan, One Projects' sited?

Sir, we are not asking for the whole bunch of banana. No Sir! Keep the bunch, but give us one or two fingers. Let's give you an example, within the period you have been in office, the Ndoro-Umuigu-Ntalakwu road has been resurfaced, the Umuigu-Ugbuebilla road is ongoing, now the Umugballu- Nnonno road resurfacing and expansion is on stream...these roads capture about five out of Oboro's 18 communities, but across Ikwuano, and beyond,  the name Emeka Atuma, aka Kabila is on the lips of every one, he attracted those projects.  In Ariam-Usaka, a brand new agricultural village is sprinking up courtesy of Chief KC Ugboaja.

Hon Stanley Nwabuisi

Here now Sir, is the question, the thrust of our article: If Hon Atuma or Chief Ugboaja raises up the hand of any aspirant for the seat you now occupy, do you think you stand a chance in a free and fair election? Your honest answer will give you strength.

The people seek the very minimum from their leaders. And we know that in Abia reigns a conspiracy of the elite, to deny even this little from the people, and even add to their yoke. We won't be part of it Sir! Yes sir, we are desperados, desperate for a Messiah to rescue Ikwuano from selfish, self-centered political adventurers.