Hon Philip Iroegbulam Daniel, the SDP House of Assembly candidate for Ikwuano State Constituency would be   hosting the 2022 edition of Oboro Unity Football Cup 

The tournament kicks off 3pm on Sunday, September 4, 2022 at Ikwueke Central School, Umuigu - Oboro

The decision by the youthful politician to host the tournament is already drawing accolades to him from all and sundry.

In an outpouring of encomium, the Youths President of Umudike - Oboro, Charles Obi Adiezeh says of Philip thus:

"For everything you've done for Nde Oboro and Ikwuano at large before now, for all you are currently doing for our people and what you will still do, we progressives in Oboro and Ikwuano in general want you to know how thankful we are and we are looking forward to have a prosperous future we all so passionately pursue together"

Adiezeh further elaborated why he is making a song and dance of Philip's gesture:

" For close to a decade or more, this epic football competition that used to unite our people, entertain our people and also discover fine talents was abruptly stopped due to various reasons of which finance was chief amongst them. Some of our progressive youths met and discussed the continuation of this competition and you as a unifier, believer and lover of Youths agreed without any  reservation to sponsor completely this tournament.

"We know you have much better plans for the entire Ikwuano after this, like they say " Charity begins at home". Ikwuano is truly blessed to have your likes", he submitted.