by Charles Obi Adiezeh  

Ahead the 2023 General Elections,  Ikwuano youths are rapidly approaching a point of  increased understanding with Hon Philip-D be Iroegbulam, the SDP House of Assembly candidate for Ikwuano State Constituency

The reason is not difficult to decipher. The vibrant politician is himself a youth, therefore he understands their aspirations and pains. He shares in their vision for a better Ikwuano 

"Too long the youths have watched from the sidelines even as affairs concerning them are determined. Even as resources that could have been put to better use in equipping and empowering them are frittered away", Hon Iroegbulam mused over the weekend as he interacted with youths of Nchata Akanu in Oloko, Ikwuano.

"The youths are the bridge to our past and our future: Build them to be solid and strong, and we would have a solid and strong society", says the House of Assembly hopeful.

Even as he criss-crosses Ikwuano LGA consulting and conversing with all stakeholders, the concerns of the youths and youthful at heart occupies a special place in his heart. He readily showed this at Nchata Akanu as he quickly mobilised with resources and motivated the  Nchara Akanu youths  to completely clear their long abandoned school field used for their sporting and other social activities. reports that for a long while, the field has been abandoned and the grasses overgrown to an extent it became a major concern.

However, Philip-D as he is fondly hailed, a lover of sports  and also a proponent of actively engaging the youths in both sporting and social activities on arriving the community, and noticing the sad state of affairs immediately provided succour to the Nkanu Achara youths to remedy the parlous state of the field 

As one of the frontline Candidates for the Abia State House of Assembly, Ikwuano State Constituency, Iroegbulam has always reiterated that he will be a listening representative of  elected come 2023. 

"Whatever affects the good people of Ikwuano should be given the needed priority it deserves", he affirmed