John Usanga

Nigeria Ambassador to Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, Mr John Usanga has called on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to address the economic challenges facing the region with equal vigor expended on addressing political upheavals.

The envoy said the only way to take the region out of the economic woods is when continuous, concentrated attentions are given to improving the economy of West Africa, insisting that this was necessary if the the sub-region is to to benefit from its huge resources. 

Usanga gave this advice while appearing on NTA Diplomatic programme via zoom. 

He also said that the recent agreement signed between the leaders of Guinea Bissau and Nigeria is already yielding fruit, while pointing out that Guinea Bissau has become a beautiful investment bride in the subregion that needed to be courted. 

He however regretted that  the economic ties between Guinea Bissau and Nigeria is at a low ebb.

The envoy stressed that 96 percent of Nigerians doing business in Guinea Bissau are in the informal sector, mostly people trading in articles, spare parts and textile materials. 

He said: “My drive is anchored on the fact that within the ECOWAS region itself, it is very easy to mobilise for the defence of democracy and stability through mobilisation of military forces and if we could easily do that we could also duplicate that on the economic front."

“It is time to begin to jointly direct attention to the economy while we also work to maintain public stability. our action plan is a direct interface of entrepreneurs from both the public and private sectors forging a common goal,” he added.

He however said on his part, he has commenced move to change the narratives of the economic ties between the two countries by vigorously pursuing a much more meaningful and mutually beneficial economic relations.