Wilson Onwubali 

The association was conceived from  individual introspection, self-doubt and later group reflections about life after the compulsory National Service year. The  notion was inborn in them  that education is the 'open Sesame' to all of life's opportunities and goodies. 

But after the odd 5-6 years spent earning a degree, they were left to ponder if  their prized certificate is not just an over-priced piece of paper. To add salt to an injury, the generation next is now shunning education: 'It is  a scam', they contend


"Amongst other visions which gave birth to Ikwuano Graduates Forum, IGF, we hope  to enlighten our younger ones and rejig their thinking that education is not a scam", says IGF's acting President,  Wilson Onwubali, an Engineer.

Onwubali explains further: From our part of the World, we hold education in very high esteem. The former Executive Governor of old Imo State could not have said it better when he described human resources as the number one resources of the old Imo, which is now Abia and Imo States...and am sure he meant the human resources that has been developed to appreciable extent through education. "Thus it became a challenge to us, graduates to hear our younger ones say with utmost disdain that "education is a scam"

The IGF president who belongs to the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria, COREN; Nigeria Society of Engineers, NSE and Nigeria Institute of Management, mNIM added that another vision of IGF is to "...be a lighthouse, attracting all Ikwuano graduates to a round table to brainstorm how to appropriately position them in the socio-economic milieu. 

"We want to be seen as a think-tank not just for ourselves, but also for generation next", he explained.

The IGF beyond being a think-tank is also a hands-on-the plough association which believe Ikwuano is yet to take it's pride of place as Abia State food basket. To that extent the Forum is poised to maximise the agricultural potentials of Ikwuano not just as food producer for the State and Nigeria at large, but also as an exporter of agro-produce. "Don't forget that the best variety of cocoa in Nigeria comes from  Ikwuano. We also produce palm oil in abundance", says Onwubali.

As 2022 rolls to an end, IGF's acting President explains that several laudable steps had been taken towards actualising their vision.

"Towards the take-off of our agro produce project, tagged 'Food for All Initiative ', we have started a communal farm, generously sponsored by one of our members. We regard it as a pilot project  for our real commercial farming project. Also in the works are preserved,  packaged agro produce like  garri, palm oil, plantain chips and even vegetables.

"We have also incorporated an enterprise that would run the business arm of the Forum. We are further in the process of registering a cooperative society for our members.

"Overall, as we mark our one year anniversary,  I believe IGF has taken firm, solid steps towards the future. We are poised for a grand take-off to higher heights" Onwubali submitted