Mr C presenting the award to Eze Ben Oriaku 

The 30th President of the USA, Calvin Coolidge, writing about reasons for honouring  men, states: "No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been the reward for what he gave"

And thus, for all he has given for sustainable democracy in Nigeria,  The Hero of Democracy Award was  conferred on HRH Eze Ben Oriaku, Dike-Ukwu of Umudike-Ukwu on Tuesday June 20 at his palace, Umudike-Ukwu 

The otherwise articulate royal father momentarily lost for words says he feels overwhelmed being so honoured by one of the radio stations with the largest listenership in the Country. There are Love FM stations in Abuja,  Port Harcourt and Umuahia

In his remarks at the occasion, Mr Chris Owui, aka Mr C, Head of Station at Love 99.9 FM, explained that "In commemoration of June 12 Democracy Day, Love FM 99.9 FM, Umuahia held a 7-day event, and part of the programme was to celebrate those who had contributed to the democracy we enjoy today. We threw the nominations open to our Listeners, and Eze Ben Oriaku emerged  among the top nominees"

Mr C added that it is a mistaken assumption to believe only politicians or those in government midwifed the democracy we enjoy today, no, all of us in our unique ways have contributed towards it.

Eze Oriaku, expressing appreciation to the Staff and Management of the radio station proffered his happiness for being counted worthy of the award
"I would be an ambassador of Love FM, knowing fully well it is a vibrant radio station. reports that Eze Ben Oriaku is one of progressive traditional rulers who consistently preaches messages of  freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope to all and sundry and remains a favourite Guest Speaker at various fora where such messages are shared.