Hon Bonny Isienyi 

The Ikwuano Development Union-Federated, IDU-F on Thursday reminded  Hon. Boniface Isienyi of the high expectations on him even as they prayed for his success.

In a letter of congratulations to Hon Isienyi on his inauguration as member of the Abia State House of Assembly, the  President-General of  IDU-F,    Dr. Charles Anyadiegwu on behalf of the Executive Committee and members rejoiced with the lawmaker on his emergence as the representative for Ikwuano State Constituency.

Dr Charles Anyadiegwu Uzondu 

"The Executive Committee, and entire members of Ikwuano Development Union-Federated, IDU-F, do hereby happily congratulate our newly elected and inaugurated Abia State House of Assembly member for Ikwuano State House Constituency, Hon. Boniface Isienyi.

"As we rejoice with you, we knew, before hand, that your running through the flag of Labour Party (LP) was just divine, as well as the tonic we needed to roll into our new bedroom of goals achievement for progress and development in Ikwuano.

"To this effect, we pray that God in His infinite kindness will give you the wherewithal to discharge your legislative responsibilities that will bring succour, enlightenment and unity to our people.

"It is our hope, as well, that you will not underestimate the high expectations for qualitative representation that are placed on you by the broad spectrum of our people in Ikwuano; as we pray for your success in the office.

"Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!", Dr Uzondu stated in the letter he personally signed