Full Text of Address Delivered By Dr. Monday Ubani, Chairman, NBA-SPIDEL At the Press Conference on NBA-SPIDEL 2023 Annual Conference

Standing on the already established protocols, I welcome each and everyone of us from all over and across the globe to the 2023 Annual Conference of Spidel in Lagos, the Centre of Excellence.

It gives me tremendous pleasure to welcome our Special Guests, Speakers and Conferees to this great conference with a theme that is very relevant at this time of our national life.

The topic is apt, relevant and important to everyone who participated at the last General Election and even to those who never participated but much interested in its outcome

Election everywhere has three main components; the first is the registration of voters, the second is voting proper and announcement of the electoral results and the last is the intervention of the judiciary to redress electoral grievances.

We are at the last stage of this important process in our electoral journey of 2023. The Electoral Act in Section 134 of the Act gives any aggrieved candidate the locus standi to petition the Election Petition Tribunal on three main grounds or grouse, they are: (1) Whether the respondent was qualified in the first place to participate in the process (2) Whether the Election was marred with irregularities computation and non compliance with the Electoral Act or (3) Whether the Respondent was duly elected by the majority of the lawful votes cast at the election at the election.

It is a grave responsibility bestowed upon the very arm that interprets the law in the country it is expected that when invited to redress such injustice or irregularities in the process or probe non compliance with extant laws that this judiciary must be very careful not to substitute the will of the majority with that of the minority, it is not an easy task but one they must carry out with utmost respect to observance of the very provisions of the law, regulations and guidelines that are enacted to guide the process to a near perfect end.

We have therefore chosen this topic “Post Election Nigeria, the Judiciary in the Eye of the Storm” and have proceeded further to assemble great legal minds in the profession both from Bar and Bench to examine and proffer proper guidance to the Judiciary in executing this onerous responsibility.

The Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive arms are adequately represented. Lawyers Civil Societies and members of the fourth estate of the realm are present to sort of put mouth as we say it in this part of this world on this very important matter that is very relevant at this moment. It promises to be not time wasting to be here to listen and contribute make heaven one’s own quota to the very issue that will cement our unity and enable us to advance as a great nation. Once again we welcome every one to this annual conference holding in Ikeja, the capital city of Lagos

We want to thank The former Attorney General of Lagos State Mr Moyosore Onigbanjo who was the conduit pipe used to secure the governor of Lagos State. His Exellency, Babajide Sanwo Olu to provide the Section with needed help to enable us realise the successful hosting of this conference Your Excellency we are grateful sir. We can’t thank enough the Chief Judge of Lagos State, Hon Justice Kazeem Olanrewaju Alogba for being a bar man in need and indeed. His hosting of the cocktail last night cannot be forgotten in a hurry. We were not only bountifully fed but we became fed up apologies to the late Idia Amin of Uganda) Milord we are more than grateful sir

Many persons here made this conferences success story already, and they are too numerous to mention. One person stood without no doubt, he is the President of the Bar, Mr Yabuku Maikyau SAN. He threw his height which he is endowed with, behind this from beginning to the end. Mr President, your name is there in the good book of life, as I always tell you, you shall make heaven!

Thanks to the CPC team ably led by Mr Okey Ohagba, Port Harcourt-based Legal Practitioner. You have done well. The Council Members and all the Branch Chairmen in Lagos and in other branches that gave their support, we appreciate you.

Thanks to our esteemed guests, speakers my friends and brothers from all over the country who attended this conference purposely to witness my exit from this exalted office of Chairman of this Section in a graceful manner. We thank you all and hereby enjoin you to enjoy the exquisite serene and tremendous hospitality of Excellent City of Lagos

Savour the intellectual and physical food thot wil be served for these two days in this conference. Bon appetit. Let’s get the ball rolling. You are all welcomed.

Dr M.O. Ubani, Chairman NBA-SPIDEL