By Comrade Osinachi Nwaka

As we, the children of Senior Elder Mark Ogbonnaya Nwaka  mourn his passage to glory, our hearts are  split in two:  one part  is mourning, and the other part  rejoicing, and testifying of God's grace in the life of our father.  With praises to God Almighty, we are indeed celebrating  'The Life and Times' of our beloved,  iconic father, who we are proud to say came, saw and conquered. Though not a man of immense  material wealth, but all the billions would not measure up to his good name and the intangible legacies, he passed on to us. We have inherited from him a beacon to lighten and uniquely impact our world and that of generations to come

Speaking of the legacies great fathers bequeath to their children, the poet, Henry Wordsworth Longfellow said: "When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him lies on the path of men"

Life's lessons imparted us from our father has brought us thus far: We recall his abiding faith, expressed in his favourite slogan: "One with God is more than majority", an affirmation of his strong faith that with God all things are possible. He found and followed his own narrow path, consistently pursuing  God's righteousness, justice and love. He would constantly remind us the importance of making the next person happy wherever we are. Everyone in our community calls him Nna Oha!

We also inherited from our dear father, uncountable intangible teachings and lasting memories that has propelled us to become self-reliant, selfless,  magnanimous, God-fearing and charitable. We can only try and fit into the large shoes he left behind, but we promise to make him proud by living according to the values and life's lessons he taught us

Iron sharpeneth iron, and by granting us  quality time with him, we  imbibed from our father, his passion for truth, his god-fearing nature, his peaceful mien,  his love and service for humanity, his can-do spirit and goal-getting zeal  plus his intolerance and distaste for anything evil

Our father, Nna Oha II was born on April 20, 1934, into the family of late Pa Kaka. His father had four (4) wives with his mother, late Mrs. ... being the second wife of Paa Kaka. Nna Oha II was the first son and second child of his mother, of three children.

Late Senior Elder Mark Ogbonnaya Nwaka attended the Central School, Ndoro - Oboro where he completed his then Standard 6. He showed remarkable intelligence,  however, his mother believed he would fare better in business.  Our father thus  joined his elder half brother, Mazi J.C. Nwaka in his palm oil business at Ndoro-Oboro, in Ikwuano LGA, Abia State. The duo, Elder Mark and Mazi J.C collaboratively expanded the business, making it a successful venture

The brothers,  pulsating with youthful vigour and adventurous spirit sought fresh fields to conquer. First they tried their hands in the then thriving cocoa business, and as the business expanded bountifully, they thirsted yet for fresh grounds to conquer. And soon relocated to Ikom, in Cross River State, which boasts of larger, lucrative cocoa business.

Beyond their entrepreneurial skills and adventurous spirit, love was really the secret of their success as their  love for each other knew no bounds. One remarkable incident in their collaboration was when they jointly pooled together funds to buy a Range Rover Jeep as a proof of their unity

Like all Igbos, the Nigerian-Biafran war of 1966-1970 touched the life of our father, and at the onset of the war, he enlisted in the Biafran Army, and survived the war

Early 1970, when the war came to an end, he relocated to Abakiliki then a modest growing, agricultural  town in the then East Central State, but now capital of Ebonyi State.

 In Abakiliki, our father tried his hands in several businesses. Initially, he joined the Plantain Association Union where he showed the stuff he was made of and later emerged  Chairman of Union. Regrettably, the Union came to an abrupt end following communication break down amongst its members.

Our father next  switched to rice business and before one could spell rice had become a prosperous rice merchant and went on to own his own rice plantation. As the business prospered, he ventured into real estate and erected lock-up stores which he leased out to tenants

Nna Oha II lived up to his name as in his days of prosperity, he invited his younger brother, Mazi Benson Nwaka and sponsored him  to acquire certification in Auto Mechanic and Driving.

He also invited his nephew, Mazi Obasi Nwaka, to further his education  in Abakiliki.

Elder Mark returned to Itunta, his  country home, in  1978 and immediately went back  to his cocoa farming and subsequently rice farming in 1985

He was part and parcel of his community, being an  active member of Ogbo Egene Age Grade where he later  emerged as the Vice Chairman of Itunta Caretaker Committee of the Age Grade in  1985.

Though Nna Oha did not participate in any sports, he was an ardent lover of sporting activities and during his lifetime, he promoted and supported football players and teams.

Family life                                                                       Elder Mark was a passionate husband and loving father. His first marriage to his first wife, late Mrs. Charity Oyiridiya Nwaka (Nee Agumuo), was in  1960. She hailed from Ezuma, in Nde Obama, Usaka Eleogu, in Ikwuano LGA, Abia State. Their marriage was blessed with five children: three boys and two girls, but with only two surviving boys and one girl today 

Later,  in the year 1982, Elder Mark  got married again to his second wife and their marriage was blessed with seven (7) children: four (4) males and three (3) females, all surviving him

Christian life                                                                  Elder Mark's early Christian life started in the  Methodist Church, Nigeria but he  later joined the United Church of Christ, (UCC), Itunta, being one of its pioneers in the community 

His christian journey was marked by his unreserved love for God and relentless commitment to serve Him. And his active service in the house of God was recognised and reciprocated as he grew in responsibilities, was soon  anointed  an Elder of the Church, signifying his  active involvement in various activities of the Church. Elder Mark converted all the members of his family to United Church of Christ,  Itunta.

Our father served God with his all, with his heart  and resources, and as  the Church expanded and at a point was in dire need of a pastorage, he provided accommodation for most of the Pastors sent to the church 

As our father, Senior Elder Mark Ogbonnaya Nwaka, aka Nna Oha II joins his ancestors, the words of Mark Anthony in Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar echoes strongly in our hearts “Here was a Caesar, when comes such another”?

Dear father, your death has created a vacuum in our hearts, in our family, in the church and in the community in general, but we rejoice, assured that  you are resting in the bosom of the Lord. You have  passed on to us a beacon, and we would continue the good race

We are thankful to God for the grace of a life well spent and for fulfilling your years. We promise to continue from where you passed the baton to us. Fare well Nna Oha II! Fare well our great Patriarch!! Enjoy rest in the bosom of our Lord till we meet to part no more!!! Sleep beloved Father.

Nwaka is the Chairman, Transition Chairman Ikwuano LGA, Abia State