An industry in Umuahia is suspected to have discharged dangerous chemicals into Olokoro river, says community leaders in Aro-Ajatakiri community in Ikwuano LGA of Abia State 

According to them. aquatic lives have been destroyed and lives of members of several communities along the river line - including Aro-Ajatakiri are in danger.

The people of the community narrated how they woke up on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 to see that their only source of water supply has been heavily polluted with dangerous chemicals.

The villagers while on their daily routine to fetch water for their domestic use or other activities in the river suddenly watched as it changed colour emitting offensive odour.

Dead fishes and other aquatics were seen floating which cause panic in the community as alarm was raised.

It was suspected that one of the industries along Aba road Umuahia must have washed their chemical tanks and discharged the waste to the drain which flowed into Olokoro river thereby caused the pollution that has put lives of the villagers along the river line in danger.

The leaders of Aro-Ajatakiri community have restricted movements and activities to the river to save lives of the people.

The community is also  calling on Abia State Government to urgently come to their aid and also carry out an investigation to bring to book  persons behind the dangerous act.