By Edet Edet

The Akwa Ibom State Association of Nigeria (USA), Inc., (AKISAN USA) has officially invited The Plenary Newspaper as her special official guest and official News Reporter for her 37th annual convention, holding at the Sheraton Music City, Nashville Airport, 777 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN.

The theme of this year’s annual convention is “Igniting the Future; Sparking Transformation and Empowering Change” and the event holds August 8th through Sunday, August 11th, 2024.

In a letter dated May 7, 2024, addressed to the Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of The Plenary and signed by the National President, AKISAN USA, Mr. Itoro Akpan Iquot, AKISAN stated that the convention begins on August 8 with a Board of trustees Awards Night and reception by host chapter.

The event continues on Friday, 9th August, with a Business Summit, Business Meeting and Cultural Night in the evening. The Cultural Night features a display of all Akwa Ibom delicacies and cultural show, the Miss and Mr. AKISAN contest, as well as a variety of musical performances. The day would also play host to AKISAN Presidential elections.

Saturday, 10th August, promises the 2nd installment of the AKISAN Tech Summit as well as Breakfast sessions, youth summit, women’s summit, sports competitions and Town hall hosted by the Akwa Ibom State Government. 

The hallmark of the day would be the Fundraiser/Banquet, where AKISAN hopes to raise funds for her 2024 projects, including scholarships to deserving students in the USA and Akwa Ibom, medical missions and various vocational training programs (Software and web development, digital marketing, soap making, culinary arts, agro business, make-up and fashion design.

The convention closes on Sunday, August 11, with an end of convention thanksgiving service.

AKISAN USA is a 501(C) (3) Tax Exempt Charitable Non-Profit Organization. It has over the years awarded scholarships, donated books and computer equipment to schools, renovated and built schools, sponsored medical missions, and supplied medical equipment to hospitals in Akwa Ibom State. It has also rendered continues support to local communities within the United States.

Over the last three years AKISAN has sent over 200 students to vocational training in Information Technology, Culinary Arts, Agribusiness, Cosmetology and Fashion Design. It is a testament to the vision of AKISAN, that many of the graduates have gained employment or established businesses of their own.
