In a heartwarming gesture of support and empowerment, the Women Organized for Mentorship and Advocacy Network (WOMAN) in collaboration with the Eunice Nnachi Women Advocacy Foundation (ENWAF) recently visited the Ikarama Community School, leaving a lasting impact on the students and staff.

The team, led by Executive Director Lady Eunice Nnachi, engaged the students in motivational talks and interactive sessions aimed at nurturing their potential and self-esteem.

Lady Nnachi of  ENWAF distributing materials to the students 

 The topics covered included gender-based violence, drug abuse, decent dressing, and bullying. 

The students were also cautioned against peer pressure and human trafficking.

The visit included the distribution of educational materials and resources to enhance the learning environment of the school. 

The students were also gifted with tissue paper, toiletries, and ENWAF and WOMAN branded exercise books.

The event was a huge success, with the students and staff expressing gratitude to the visiting teams for the opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

Representative of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons NAPTIP, Tariere Joel urged  the students to be vigilant of persons who deceive children and their parents with promises of greener pastures  outside the country adding that many of them are involved in human trafficking.

Also speaking, Representative of the National Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities, NAPWPD, Gift Watchful urged the students to speak out if they are being violated by any person as such persons would be made to face the full wrath of the law. 

 The visit was a testament to the commitment of WOMAN and ENWAF to creating safe and stable families, advancing gender equality, and providing mentorship opportunities.