Chief Lateef Fagbemi

The Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi, on Friday affirmed that the Supreme Court judgement delivered yesterday will take immediate effect, stressing that it “emancipated” Local Government Areas, LGAs  from the “shackles of the past”.

The Supreme Court judgement on Thursday ruled that the Federal Government should henceforth pay LG allocations directly to local government councils and  declared as illegal and unconstitutional for the State Governors to have a say on how the funds of the LGAs are spent.

The court also ordered the Federal Government to stop sending the funds to non democratically elected council chairmen.

Speaking with journalists after a meeting with President Bola Tinubu, the AGF said the “ball is now in the court” of State Governors to conduct LGA elections, adding that the judgment stipulates punishment for refusal.

“Naturally, one will be happy, should be happy. Nigerians are happy about it,” he said.

“I call it local government emancipation judgment because it has really emancipated the local government from the shackles of the past.

“I hope that local government officials will look at it as an opportunity to develop their various local governments.

“The judgment is clear as to what they should do, the judgment is clear as to what consequences will attach to failure or refusal to follow the judgment of the supreme court… which takes immediate effect.”