By Eke O Ako

All my Abia North friends in Lagos, Abuja, UK,  Europe & USA who swarmed my posts during Ikpeazu's regime, no longer see my posts about Alex C. Otti, who has done worse than what Ikpeazu did in 4 years.

Some of them used to join my livestreams. They were always there on my posts bashing Ikpeazu.

Today, the level of financial misappropriation under Otti in 1 year is worse than what happened in Ikpeazu's entire 4 years. Today, the abuse of Abia's funds is  brazen, crude, careless, cruel, mindless and non-challantly done. 

The most humiliating is that Governor still has the mind to go to different churches every Sunday to mock his victims, telling them that the state's resources will not be stolen or shared. I doubt if he actually believes in God!

Even with all the data I have presented clearly, showing industrial scale looting of the state's resources, my Abia North fans are not perturbed. They have hidden in their caves. They no longer talk to me. They were always in my inbox praising my efforts.

You see the same folks on WhatsApp platforms defending Otti, and bashing President Tinubu. Even with the glaring evidences I produce about the mindless looting of the state's resources, they  no longer care or could they be disappointed in their saviour?

Even those of them with PhDs and MBAs, who understand these figures, who know that it is criminal for a governor to use his personal bank to warehouse the State's resources, have all hidden their heads between their legs. 

Even my popular lawyer friend in Aba,  who fought Ikpeazu's regime, who I remember severally bashing Onyebuchi Ememanka, the then CPS to Ikpeazu, has gone so cold amid these evidences of outright stealing of public funds. I recall that he even didn't care that he was Ememanka's course mate at ABSU, and was fighting him dirty. Today, he writes to praise Otti, even with the glaring evidence of mindless looting of State resources. I remember when he joined me to fight Ememanka for few days.

To them, any challenge of Alex Chioma Otti 's grand looting of the State's resources and nepotism is a fight against Abia North.

What of the young men who did videos at Faulks Road, who created an online platform - Uncensored Truth,  where we bashed Ikpeazu and his government daily,  who carried placards, who wrote long epistles, who did several videos, to rightly challenge Ikpeazu's regime?  They have all gone cold...or are somewhere defending Otti's corruption. 

What of the young man who is now in Canada, who claims to be a financial analyst, whose competence  is in defending the stealing of public funds under Otti?. I remember this young man writing to Abia State House of Assembly then to investigate what he called the Abia Microfinance Bank scam of N200m, but today he defends Otti looting of tens of billions of Naira through non-existent projects and programmes? This young man who now declares my data fake, was sharing my data about Ikpeazu's regime. 

Even few of them directly working in the corrupt Otti's regime, as very senior aides, were in my inbox then begging for financial details of Ikpeazu's government. The same hypocrites write blogs today about me, and blackmail me, my wife, and my mother. They even go to the extent of declaring my data fake, and threaten me with arrest if I dare come into Nigeria.

What about Alex C. Otti himself? The man who denigrated Ikpeazu for 8 years, who told us regularly how Abia's funds were being stolen, who has not stopped telling the world how Abia's resources were stolen when Abia started in 2015? Otti has now gone on to supervise the most organised heist of the State's resources in an unprecedented manner, and leading a blackmail against me for questioning why he is masterminding the economic rape of Abia State.

It's obvious that all they wanted was power.  It had nothing to do with good governance.  Such behaviour is the reason why I'm struggling to involve myself in an Abia Association in the UK. I hate hypocrisy.

All along, I knew their intentions. I knew they were simply patronising me. I made it known to them that I detested being labelled 'A DIFFERENT NGWA MAN'. My annoyance was with my people in government then, who decided to engage in primitive accumulation of wealth, rather than making a STATEMENT OF INTENT. There was no reason why Ikpeazu couldn't rebuild Port-Harcourt Road Aba, the only major project Otti is doing today, despite the state earning Hundreds of billions of Naira in 1 year.

Unfortunately, this is the sad story of Abia...which the corrupt Otti has capitalised on to perpetrate industrial scale abuse of Abians.

The Igbo man will continue to be a 2nd class citizen until we tell ourselves the truth.