
A Rainbow Coalition, comprising voters and support groups across political party affiliations, bond by  a shared goal of ushering  transformative change were crucial to Governor Alex Otti's 2023 victory. By ignoring this broad based support group, Gov Otti's second term tickets stands on shifting sand,  Philip-D reports

The 2023 election in Abia State was a significant moment in the political history of the State. The general population, irrespective of their political party affiliations, rallied together with a shared goal: to bring about transformative change in the State. This collective effort was less about party loyalty and more about electing a leader who could address the long-standing issues in Abia State and deliver meaningful development and governance.

Governor Alex Otti emerged as the change agent in these elections, symbolizing the hope and aspirations of the people who desired a departure from the status quo. His election was a mandate not just from members of his political party but from a broad spectrum of voters who believed in his ability to lead the state toward a better future.

However, there is growing concern that Governor Otti, since taking office, has been aligning the delivery of governance along partisan lines. This means that instead of governing for all citizens of Abia State, regardless of their political affiliations, his administration might be prioritizing members of his party in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and governance benefits. This approach risks alienating the very electorate that put him in power, especially those who crossed party lines to vote for change, not for party loyalty.

By defining the popular will based on party membership, Governor Otti could be undermining the broad-based support that was crucial to his electoral success. If this trend continues, it could lead to widespread disenchantment among voters who feel excluded or neglected. This, in turn, could jeopardize his chances of re-election in 2027. The people of Abia State, having demonstrated their willingness to transcend party lines for the sake of change, may do so again if they feel that their expectations are not being met.

For Governor Otti to maintain the trust and support of the electorate, it is crucial that he governs inclusively, ensuring that the dividends of governance are distributed fairly across all segments of society. This means prioritizing competence, merit, and the needs of the people over party loyalty. Only by doing so can he retain the confidence of the electorate and secure a successful political future beyond his current term.

Philip-D was a House of Assembly candidate for Ikwuano State Constituency in the 2023 General Elections