Gov Alex Otti 

 Ariam-Usaka youths under the aegis of Ariam-Usaka Youths Assembly has written to Governor Alex Otti commending for his laudable achievements and urging him to adhere to the principles of equity and fairness in the distribution of socio-economic amenities and political patronage

Excerpts from the letter signed by its President, Romeo Atubi reads as follows:

HE, Dr Alex Otti, 

We, the concerned youths of Ariam/Usaka clan, Ikwuano LGA wish to heartily commend you, our indefatigable Governor, H.E. Dr Alex Otti for the remarkable strides you have taken to transform our beloved state. Your visionary leadership, administrative prowess, and unwavering commitment to the welfare of Abians cannot not go unnoticed.

You are truly a leader that rebuilds the waste of past generation. You are systematically reversing our hitherto ugly trajectory. 

The unprecedented development, from infrastructural upgrades to economic empowerment initiatives under your watch for these few months in our dear state is a testament to our often-held belief that you are truly God-sent. Your dedication to creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive and your efforts to improve the lives of our citizens are truly laudable. We can't thank you enough. Our prayer is for God to continually be with you and your nice family as you continue to create hopes where there was hopelessness, love where there was hatred and beauty where there was ashes. We wholeheartedly mobilized for you during the electioneering period,  and we are glad today to see the results of those efforts. 

As we approach the local government elections, we wish to respectfully bring to your attention that in Ikwuano politics, we operate what we call a 'Charter of Equity'. This is an old convention and our guiding principle where political positions are peacefully rotated between the four clans that make up Ikwuano LGA. The four clans are: 

1. Ariam/Usaka

2. Ibere

3. Oboro  and 

4. Oloko. 

The political positions in this context are:

A. Local Government chairman 

B. House of Assembly 

C. House of Representatives 

D. Senate

E. Commissioners 

This convention initiated by our forebears which has been in place for decades has ensured a peaceful political atmosphere in our dear local government area, marking an eventual departure from our old past where sharing of these offices among the four clans was marred by violence, in-fighting and betrayals. 

This rotational system has gone round the four clans and by logic and rationale, it is once again the turn of Ariam/Usaka to produce the next chairman of our dear local government area. But unfortunately, some politicians with selfish interest are fighting tooth and nails to truncate this peaceful convention and thereby deny us this right. 

Whereas other three clans have a Commissioner, legislators in the federal and state levels, federal appointments and immediate past and incumbent LGA chairman, Ariam/Usaka has none of the above. We are left with nothing except one Special Adviser to the Governor. 

We believe in competence and also believe that competence is not limited to a particular clan. Each clan has competent personnel who can effectively man any political office with credible results. 

On this note, we are calling on you, our dear wise and listening Governor to use your good office to ensure that equity, fairness, justice and peace are maintained in Ikwuano. We believe that this is an opportunity to further demonstrate your commitment to equity, fairness, and inclusive governance.

We urge you to support and work with the people of Ariam Usaka clan to ensure a conducive atmosphere for your good works to bear fruits. We are confident that your leadership will continue to be a beacon of hope for Abia State and its people. And a reference point to politicians in Africa.

Thank you for your tireless efforts, Governor Otti. We look forward to seeing even greater accomplishments in the days ahead.


Romeo Atubi
