The facilitator of the pro-good governance and mass mobilisation group, For Us By Us, FUBU Movement Ugwumba Chika Ishionwu is at it again,  - this time he is celebrating Ikwuano's eight eldest women 'For their wisdom,  strength of character, and  maternal love' as part of FUBU's intervention in the annual August Meeting  in Ikwuano 

Daily reports that  as showers of  praises and blessings pour out for the youthful leader in appreciation for his pro-people and humanistic gestures there also followed  mischievous attacks  from  certain people ignoring querying  his generousity.

Ugwumba Ishionwu responded thus to the voices of mischief:

"I truly appreciate your perspective. However, as Aristotle wisely said, “Man is by nature a political animal.” Our involvement in politics is essential if we wish to influence the direction of our communities. Moreover, Aristotle also cautioned that “The penalty for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” 

"Ikwuano, like many places, has faced challenges in political willpower, but that’s exactly why we need more good people to step up and engage. I would strongly urge you to consider joining politics and playing your part in shaping the future of Ikwuano. 

"But until then, you can cheer from afar, contribute in your own way, or better still, SUPPORT those who have sacrificed their time and resources to come back home and help develop our community. Every bit of support counts, and together, we can make a difference.

"Warm regards my big brother", he submitted. reports that admirers of Ishionwu's good deeds , like the US-based Dr Ifeanyi Uke quickly rallied to applaud him,  dismissing  the mischievous comments.

Said Dr Uke: "Agu, I hear you...but for whatever reasons he has...the reality is that  he is actively doing great exploits of repute.

"Even if all his gestures are politically motivated, any day Ugwumba tells me that he is interested in any electable position, be rest assured that I will unleash all my support, political spending capital, clout and wherewithal on his candidacy to see him win...because eji uda ahu ama uto nsi...if he can do these much exploits with his hard earned money, imagine what he will do if he has some allocations. 

" I am very pleased with him as a petson. Let us appreciate him for the ones he is doing...hopefully, others will eschew their self-centeredness to embrace the "Ala Ikwuano First" Mantra"

Dr Uke had earlier lauded the FUBU boss thus: "Chikadibia! You are a progressive force! I am glad to be alive to witness the manner of man in you. I bu ndikom!"

Our reporter gathered that it all began when Ugwumba Ishionwu announced that "For their wisdom and strength of character, for their maternal love, FUBU would identify and honour eight oldest women in Ikwuano LG as part of its participation in the annual August Meeting", Ugwumba Chika Ishionwu told on Wednesday.

"For Us, By Us, FUBU is a movement for people and about people. As our mothers are marking the annual August Meeting activities, we are identifing with them with a special care package initiative to honour the two oldest women in each clan in Ikwuano. 

"This is our way of celebrating and appreciating the wisdom and strength of our elders as we commemorate the 2024 Ikwuano August Meeting", Ishionwu explained 

Even as ndi Ikwuano at home and diaspora appreciated Ugwumba Ishionwu for his large heart and pro-people activism, with the majority applauding his proactive, pragmatic leadership gestures.

 In his reaction, a frontline youths leader and one time APC House of Assembly candidate for Abia State House of Assembly in the 2019 election, Hon Emma Nwaka urged Ishionwu to keep doing good: "Chika,  keep doing what you are doing I'm proud of you", he posted in a social media platform of ndi Ikwuano.

Another, former Executive Deputy Chairman, Ikwuano LG , Hon Cokey Nwachukwu proffered: "It can only be Omenanwanta Ugwumba Chika Ishionwu. God is your strength, may you never lack"

Irrepressible youths leader and good governance advocate, Charles Obi opined: " Ugwumba is giving to Ikwuano Quality and Impactful projects back to back"

The ebullient political activist, Mbakwe submits: 'People will remember you at your old age too.

"Wonderful gesture bro, keep it up"

According to another youths political activist,  regarded as philosophical politician, Henry Ugwunna: 'This man called Chika ishionwu is now the rave of the moments"

...on it still continues