The Amaba Ime community in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State has asserted it's claims to  the ownership of the land on which Government College, Umuahia is situated. 

"The truth is clear, and the facts are indisputable," HRM King O’tuwa 1st of Amaba Ime stated. "We have the documents that verify our rightful claim as the donors of the land on which Government College stands. Any contrary assertion is not only baseless but also an affront to our history and identity." reports that the chairman of Umuana Ndume Development Association, lbeku, Mr Friday Ohaeri had claimed that portions of encroached land belonging to  Government College was voluntarily donated to the College by their  forefathers. Ohaeri's statement was  widely circulated on social media.

 However, Amaba Ime community leaders have categorically dismissed this claim, branding it as both misleading and false.

In response to Ohaeri's statement, the Amaba Ime community has made it clear that the land was, in fact, donated by their forefathers. 

HRM King O’tuwa 1 of Amaba Ime, along with his cabinet and other key leaders of the community, have presented documentary evidence proving that the land in question was a generous gift from the Amaba Ime people, not from Umuana Ndume Ibeku.

The community leaders further expressed deep concerns over the dissemination of what they described as a deliberate distortion of historical facts. They have urged the general public to disregard  Ohaeri’s claims, emphasizing that such misinformation could sow discord and misunderstanding among the people of Ikwuano and their neighbours 

The Amaba Ime community further called for calm and reason, urging all parties to respect the truth and to refrain from spreading false information. They emphasized that preserving the integrity of historical facts is crucial for maintaining unity and harmony within Ikwuano and their Ibeku neighbours.

In a statement,  the Amaba Ime community stated their resolute stand in defending their rightful place in the history of Government College's land ownership, and  stand ready to present their evidence to any interested parties.