Issues of accountability and transparency continue to trail the administration of Abia State Governor Alex Otti as projects valued at billions of Naira could not identified.

Posing a query on his social media arm, a concerned Abians citizen, David Oku on Wednesday urged Gov Otti to "Declare your projects with locations or pictures"

 you forget history, you'll be susceptible to believing whatever you're told. In 2015 and 2019, when OVI became the Governor of Abia, Alex Otti refused to accept defeat and didn't offer a hand of sportsmanship to the winner. Although there were other gubernatorial aspirants in Abia, Otti took it upon himself to challenge OVI's government through legal proceedings, taking the case to the Supreme Court.

This process lasted at least six months before a judgment was made. Otti criticised the government in various ways. 

Berating Otti for his Janus-faced character, Oku reminded Otti that during the Okezie Ikpeazu-lrd administration, He, (Alex Otti) set up a radio program across several stations in Abia  State to criticize the administration, exposing them to the anger of Ndi Abia at home and abroad.

Oku continued: "Otti had a dedicated newspaper column where he regularly rebuked the Ikpeazu-led administration (OVI's government). Some naive Abians who read these criticisms concluded that nothing was being done in the State. 

"The more Alex Otti wrote, the more angrier and resentful people became.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, Otti threw another spanner in the works, trying to override a sitting government by donating relief materials without any notice to spite and INDICT them.

"Months before his inauguration, with a government running smoothly on the ground, Otti brought in some contractors to assess roads. All these and many more he did. But for the collective peace and unity of all, OVI IGNORED HIM.

"Finally, Alex Otti fulfilled his wish of becoming a governor. However, he has made life difficult for his people instead of working towards delivering on his campaign promises. Tens of thousands have lost their jobs, government taxes on businesses have skyrocketed, and insecurity has taken over the state, especially in several parts of Abia State 

"Additionally, workers are not being paid due to issues with the verification process, leaving them in a difficult situation. The pensioners are suffering, educational institutions in Abia have deteriorated, and the health sector has collapsed. Furthermore, a lot of the mainstream media has also lost its voice.

"The crux of the matter NOW lies in accountability, and citizens are asking His Excellency Governor Alex Otti and his government to show all the 'Billion Naira' projects he claimed to have done since taking over in June 2023

"Declare your projects with locations or pictures so journalists like me who like to 'waka waka' can verify. I'm passionately waiting for His Excellency",  Oku submitted.